Trowa Barton & Cathrine Bloom

Gundam Wing Vocal Memeries Video Collection

This is a special "music video" collection that features one Japanese image song from each Gundam Wing Character, with scenes of that character!!

Videos include:

1. Stardust Soldiers by Treize Khushrenada

2. Darkness & Brightness by Lady Une

3. Take Off to the Sky by Heero Yuy

4. Always a Secret by Relena Darlian

5. Wild Wings by Duo Maxwell

6. The Gift by Hilde Schbeiker

7. The Clown by Trowa Barton

8. Everything for You by Cathrine Bloom

9. Brave Eyes by Quatre R. Winner

10. Joy to My Life by Dorothy Catalonia

11. Let Into Top by Chang Wufei

12. I Believe in My Tomorrow by Sally Po

13. Distant Dawn by Milliardo Peacecraft

14. Dear Friends by Lucrezia Noin



The songs by Cathrine Bloom, Hilde Schbeiker, Sally Po, and Lucrezia Noin are ones that we believe sound very much liket hem in voice and tone.