"NeverEnding Story" Chapter 9: Second Impressions Once inside the crowded auditorium, one could feel the enormity of human acheivement--from the decorated halls to the stained glass windows where birds of peace were intricately carved, just for this occasion, from the multi-lingual soundsystem at each audience member's seat, right down to the ornate display of so many various member nation flags surrounding the monstrous stage's microphone speaker platform. Everything here was put in with great thought and significance in the magnanimous attempt, by all representing each nation to show understanding to one's fellow Earth Sphere citizen--unity between the world nations and now the Outer Space colonies, and finally an optimism for the peaceful path to the future each envision. And when it came to understanding unity and optimism, one representative in herself epitomized all three. One might not imagine that the hopes of so many people rested on such a soft-spoken, meek looking, sweet faced young girl. But in moments like these about to take place, it become quite obvious why. "Ladies and gentlemen, representatives of nations near and far, dignitaries and honored guests, we welcome you cordially to this special event where all peace-seeking nations both on the Earth and of the Colonies in Outer Space have agreed to meet in unity and understanding to make the Earth Sphere a place we can all be proud to be a part of." Foreign Minister Relena Darlian, as elected by a majority vote to be MC of today's conference, confidently takes to the podium. Her elegant, off white dignitary outfit gleamed as a beacon of light as she begins to speak to the audience. Their reverence for her past triumphs and representations of peace was so palpable that you could even hear a pin drop when she pauses for a breath. "Wooo--woooo!" A pin, or in this instance, a loud high-pitched whistle resounds and echoes off the domed ceiling could do the trick. "That's a mouth full good-lookin'. And the party's just gettin' started!" A hick voice comments loud enough for the shocked silent crowd to hear. Miss Relena's elegant and diplomatic speech was rudely interrupted by this outspoken, yet favorable assessment of her opening statement." At least it was a kind whistle. Relena recalls the first time someone had called that slang name--one Duo Maxwell, when he was feigning to be a student with another boy she had come to know so well.... "I agree. This party, as you call it, has just begun. And we all can be treated to a great number of eloquent speeches from our representatives honoring us with their presence here today. We have all been looking forward to the celebration of peaceful minds. Yes, thank you for reminding us what a joyous occasion this promises to be." Relena, fluent speaker as ever, shows her mettle in this graceful save. The audience again were awed so much that they break out in applause for her. Her own brother watches, and gains even more respect for the little sister with every word and action she makes as he watches from below. "DUO MAXWELL!!" Hilde, seated beside him (and wishing she wasn't just a moment or two ago) wanted to slink away from him as far as she could go from his big, fat mouth. She was just about to bodily berate his noisy interruption of wonderful Miss Relena's speech when the angel of kindness intercedes for him once again. "And I do thank you for the compliment, Sir." Relena's sparkling blue eyes laugh at the rabble rousing rascal beside Hilde. Duo answers the princess with a big Duo thumbs-up and wink at the stage. "Oh, how does one do that again? Oh yes," Relena was not only a young girl and brilliant speaker, but also a masterful politician as well. Right now as she quickly musters up an overacted wink back. The entire audience watches her intently, joining in with her merry laughter from atop the centerstage. They were taken in by her wit and undeniable charm. It was becoming more and more obvious to some that Miss Relena Darlian's political career was destined for greatness in the future ahead. The conference then, after that pleasant start, goes on as normal. The scheduled speakers and representatives all carried out their speeches and lectures of peace and prosperous living for the future. It was only obvious to those who knew him well just how pale L4 Colony's leader was. His usual good eye contact and easy-spoken manner were stiff and a bit...frightened. But none of those who called him a close friend had any idea why their well-versed leader was acting so sheepish until the close of this first day of Peace Accords later that afternoon. "What's with you Quatre, old buddy? Cat got your tongue?" Duo liked this punch and hors'doevres part of the convention. Hilde, piped up behind him. "Like you didn't sleep through half of the second half of speeches, Duo Maxwell!" Hilde had had to keep poking and prodding up the braided boy. "Huh? Did you say something, Duo? I'm sorry, I wasn't..." Quatre Winner's trailing sentence follows his eyes wandering about the meeting hall where the diplomats and representatives were now mingling with one another. Little sparring arguments were heard over little sandwiches and tea. "Quatre, who are you...?" Trowa picks up on his best friend's distracted scan of the room. Cathrine was at his side, and Duo and Hilde were next to them. All followed their yellow-haired, golden boy Quatre's gaze across the over crowded room of diplomat's jabbering. As each of them focus in on the source of Quatre's lost reverie, they each can't believe what their senses told them--that their cute, little friend Quatre had become fixated on a girl--and not just any girl. His misty eyes gazing across the room spoke volumes to them. "Quatre! Yo, Quatre!" Duo, shivering at the very thought of it, waved a hand in front of the dreamy features plastered on the young boy's face. Quatre didn't respond at all. So impressed was he by the vision of the girl who haunted his dreams making her elegant moves through the crowd--like a shark slithering through water. "What's the matter with Quatre?" Lucrezia Noin asks in concern as she finally manages to extract both her husband and his famous sister from the latest throng of adoring attackers. "Here it comes right now." A voice laced with sarcasm answers Noin's question. One Wufei Chang checking in with his Preventer partner of a woman, who was wasting time cavorting with the likes of Noin and Zechs, some other various females, Barton, Winner and Maxwell to top it all off when she should be absorbed stalking--ahem--surveying the crowd of do-gooders and peacemakers. Weaklings all. Wufei was about to take off and disappear himself into the crowd rather than be confronted by this creature of a woman most of all. But something in his masochist, macho nature made him pause enough to watch the excitement of the evil one in action up close on the front lines. Besides, he had his trusty sword at the ready in case things got too ugly. "How Providential to bump into you Miss Relena, Miss Noin, Mister Milliardo." Dorothy Catalonia does indeed slither. Right up close beside Quatre R. Winner--closer than his reddening collar line seemed to be able to bear. "I was just saying to myself 'Dorothy, wouldn't it be lovely to invite my dearest friends after a long day of attending endless speech-making, pomp and circumstance, to relax on a well-deserved vacation from their daring Colony terraforming efforts on my very own private beach.'" "The ocean view is lovely at this time of year, near my villa on the shoreline, I assure you." She smiles that weasly, snake-like smile that sets Milliardo's teeth on edge once again. He was about to refuse her invite but his wife and sister seemed to have different ideas. "It's very kind of you to invite us, Miss Dorothy. In between these talks, it might be a good idea to get out in the sun and take a break, and I have been hoping to show my brother and sister-in-law some sights before they must return to their terraforming Colony on Mars. Lucrezia? Milliardo? Will you?" Relena is taken in by the sneaky snake sandtrap. She considered Dorothy, despite their past difficulties, one of her dearest friends--and Miss Relena was always kind to her friends. She thought everyone, including Miss Catalonia, was as honest and genuine as she was. She didn't think they could be plotting and scheming as others about thought Dorothy could be at this very moment... "Of course, what a nice idea. Thank you, Miss Dorothy. We haven't been to a shore in ages, have we, Zechs?" Noin prompts the P.R. side of her brooding husband's personality. A grunt was his only reply. But that was good enough for Relena. "Yes, Dorothy. We accept your kind invitation then. I have a splendid idea! Why don't we all go together? It'll be a chance for us to spend some time together and those of you who live on the Colonies don't often get a chance to see the splendor that Earth's beaches offer." Relena extends Dorothy's invite to the rest of the gang. "That invitation extends to Representative Winner as well of course." Dorothy slides in the main intent of all this good-hearted generosity. It stops upon one glance upon one furball of a loud-mouth standing behind the golden Winner heir. "Sure! Heck, why not. We could hit the waves for a change from the old grind. Huh, Trowa, old buddy?" Duo Maxwell's enthusiastic tagging along was an unseemly dilemma that Dorothy Catalonia was not prepared for. Her intention to get Raberba Winner to her place was now going all awry. "Well, that is, if Miss Catalonia's kind offer does extend to us as well. You shouldn't make such assumptions before asking politely." Trowa Barton's thoughtful, sensible voice brings Dorothy's flustered, angry mind back down to polite society. "We'd understand entirely, Miss Catalonia if--" Trowa was a gentleman and right at that moment, Dorothy wondered who he reminded her of so suddenly. Oh, well, nevermind. "Of course you're welcome to my private beach and villa as well, Mr. Barton. And bring whomever else you may like. It will be my pleasure as your hostess." She can't help but roll her eyes at the fuzzball one more time, choosing to focus on the ups of this promised excursion rather than his downs. "Then, shall I see you early tomorrow at my villa? I'm certain Master Winner can direct you there. I'll be expecting you before noon. And do bring your beachwear. Ta ta!" With a flourishing backhand, Dorothy Catalonia is off. Her platinum blonde hair trailed long after she was gone, but with one final penetrating look at Quatre with icy cold eyes before she leaves. He freezes in place, watching her leave in awe, just as he watched her come in--wordlessly. They all stand there, reeling of what just happened. Dorothy had done most of the talking and certainly all of the orchestrating to their astonished blinking eyes. "What'd you make of all that?" Duo's mouth was the first to go at explaining the inexplicable Dorothy C. "Better you than me, that's all I have to say." Wufei, who once thought his life could be no more cursed than being stuck cavorting with this lot at a pacifist party, was now of the assured opinion that it could be. And he would have no part of it. Sally rolls her eyes at him. "Gee, thanks." Hilde answers, not knowing quite what to make of Duo's friends and the company they keep as well. The happy to meet group of just moments ago (before Hurricane Dorothy hit) split up and scatter, each with visions of their own for what "fun" tomorrow had in store for them. |