"NeverEnding Story"

Chapter 19: Mission Impossible

It was a fairly peaceful day. Well, quiet anyhow. "Peace" was something that was not in Chang Wufei's heart, nor his soul. But if you could call peaceful not having a woman in sight nagging or ordering or taunting him all day, yeah, this was good enough for Wufei.

And with his "commander", Lady Anne (Oh, right, COLONEL Une, sure...) wasting her time attending some pacifist bunch of political hacks' meeting in, of all the wonderful places in the world, the Sanc Kingdom (Pacifist weaklings!). And Sal---Woman--off in space doing some routine scouting check-ups of the Earth's atmosphere (Dawdling again, lazy woman...) well that didn't leave many higher-ups stationed at the Preventer's headquarters---except for him.

Yes, Wufei's ideal of a nice day would be some kind of deadly skirmish breaking out somewhere in the world where he could send some heads rolling. (Or at least a few arms and legs.) And judging from the call that just came in from that old man President in his safe haven in Brussels--it was going to be "nice" day ~for Wufei after all.



"What?! The Sanc Kingdom's castle has been captured?!" Sally Po's first thought when Wufei had blipped on her screen with that grin on his face informing her quite happily that the Pacifist nation had just been violently seized by terrorists, well, she thought that he was just playing a practical joke on her or something.

Some sick sense of humor in his otherwise sick head she thought caused him to call on her lonely scouting mission to just say "Hi, I'm still alive, how about you?" kind of thing and tease. But the more Sally studies Chang Wufei's smiling face, she was more sure he wasn't kidding. And what he said next cinched that this was indeed reality.

"Yes." His smile broadens. "Shall we seize this chance to take over the world?"

You really ARE sick, aren't you, Chang?

"Yeah, real funny, mister..." Sally lets her eyes roll, but when they come back into their sockets, she was all business. "So how many of them are there?" The soldier/warrior in Sally was already grilling her partner for details.

"Just twenty." He says simply enough as if twenty armed and dangerous men were no threat to a Chinese dragon clan warrior such as himself. "If we forget about the hostages, I can go finish this right now..." He doesn't say that with as much humor as Sally would have wanted. That certain tone in his war-like voice let her know that he was absolutely serious here.

"No way! That's just not acceptable!" Sally screams out, finding that this was the only way Wufei heard anything she ever said. And she wanted to make good and sure he didn't just do as he liked in this most delicate of situations.

"Think of another way!" She barks at him as his commanding officer. Just by seniority that is. Sally knew full well that Colonel Une was in attendance at that party in Sanc. With Noin and Zechs both gone back to Mars, a planet or two away, that just left Sally and Wufei in command of the Preventers, to take reigns on this situation that was well beyond escalating.

"All right...." Wufei pauses dramatically, but Sally knew him so well (poor gal!) that she knew he already had another option in mind even before he had contacted her.

"Then can you call for backup?"

This wasn't exactly what Sally had been expecting. Wufei Chang was not the type of man who ever needed nor wanted help or aid from any man. Especially nothing from the rest of the Preventers he had thus far done all but shun when training them.


"How many do you need? I can get two hundred people together within twenty hours." Sally starts to rattle off the numbers. Her clicking fingers were pulling up information on her computer terminal's screen. She called up location and availability of Preventer units in reserve for such a crisis as this.

"No, by then the Sanc Kingdom will be a mushroom cloud." Wufei calmly enough answers, but Sally was not so calm as her black haired partner.

"Then, I'll get a hundred in eighteen hours!" She calls out at him.

"We hardly need that many..." Wufei closes his eyes, taking a breath before he chooses his next path.

"Five--including myself--will be more than enough."

"FIVE!? Only five people for this situation?!" She screams.

Are you nuts? Sally thinks, a sweatdrop appearing on her disbelieving cheekbone. How can you hope to accomplish this mission with only...

"Yeah..." Wufei's slit like eyes open and look straight into her astonished, skeptical ones with a strength of belief that Sally has not seen in him in a long time. It was the same look she had glimpsed in each and every one of those five faces--those boys with the inextinguishable spirits who could do anything--once they set their minds to it....

Those Gundam pilots...

"I'll tell you where to find them..."