Gundam Wing Operation Meteor Odds 2 Video

This is a special "Operation Meteor" video that is only available in Japan. It features new narration by Heero, Trowa and Wufei (the "Odd" numbered pilots). It is rather like a memorial video and features the 2nd half of reminiscing by Heero, Trowa and Wufei.

The best part of this video is that it features ALL NEW animation as well as new narration!!!! New scenes! I love it particularly, because in this, set after Episode #49 of the anime series, the pilots are thinking about what they are going to do next. I love this volume especially because Trowa talks about his beloved Cathrine nonstop! His whole reminiscence in this one is all about her! (She is his "taisetsu na mono" or "beloved one")

Trowa is watching over and over a recorded videophone message from Cathrine. He pores over it and looks lovingly at her, lowering his eyelids at the sight of her. (So romantic!!)

If you'd like to view this Operation Meteor Odds II scene, please download the ENGLISH SUBTITLED full audio/video .avi file (6.4 MB Zip File) of it here:

Trowa Barton: Cool Machine

Then, in the very next part, he says:

"Somehow my precious one led me here [to the circus] even though I had forgotten where. This is something cherished."