Gundam Wing Secret Operation

Secret Operation

This is a Truly rare and incredible Drama album!!!! It was only available in Japan for a limited time and in cassette form!! Extremely, extremely rare!!! It features the 7 GW boys in 5 CD dramas, 5 Eyecatch comedies, and 7 individual interview chats!

Trowa mentions Cathrine in the final drama story, Operation 5: Present Responsibility, when they are all talking about going back to their homes and who is waiting there for them, and falling in love, Quatre says to Trowa "Ahh, Miss Cathrine is the reason you go back there [the Circus] too!"

Track Listing:

1. Operation 0: Past Responsibility

2. Eyecatch: Strange Heero

3. Operation 1: The Winner Family Secret

4. Eyecatch: Strange Duo

5. Operation 2: A Course in Basic Knowledge

6. Eyecatch: Strange Trowa

7. Operation 3: The Training of Wufei

8. Eyecatch: Strange Quatre

9. Operation 4: Endless Battle

10. Eyecatch: Strange Wufei

11. Operation 5: Present Responsibility

12. Seiyuu Interview: Hikaru Midorikawa (Heero)

13. Seiyuu Interview: Seki Toshihiko (Duo)

14. Seiyuu Interview: Shigeru Nakahara (Trowa)

15. Seiyuu Interview: Ai Orikasa (Quatre)

16. Seiyuu Interview: Ryuuzou Ishino (Wufei)

17. Seiyuu Interview: Ryoutaro Okiayu (Treize)

18. Seiyuu Interview: Koyasu Takehito (Zechs)